Ready-mixed concrete is precisely what it sounds like: pre-mixed concrete that you buy from ready-mix concrete suppliers.
Because it provides many advantages over self-mixed concrete, ready-mixed concrete is employed in many construction projects. The many benefits that come with this concrete include:
- Saves a significant amount of time
- Offers good value for the money.
- Delivers reliability and quality
Regardless of the source, this concrete contains the same ingredients: aggregates like sand or gravel, cement, and water. The cement and water are mixed to make a paste. Then aggregates are added, resulting in a mixture that solidifies into a rock-like substance famed for its strength and durability.
Mixing concrete requires the proper amount of the correct elements; otherwise, you will get a poor outcome. When concrete fails, it is typically due to inadequate mixing and poor quality control.
Another cause of concrete problems or failure is incorrect drying and curing. When working with concrete, you must understand the proper drying techniques, potential drying concerns, and how to accelerate the drying process.
How does ready-mix concrete dry?
Once you pour ready-mixed concrete, water evaporates, and the concrete begins to set. A simple explanation, but the crucial thing to remember is that this process should not occur too quickly.
The goal is to allow water to evaporate gently, preventing cracks and failures in your recently poured concrete.
When concrete is poured, it undergoes an initial setting stage before drying and curing. You must follow this process carefully to avoid cracking and early surface degradation.
Curing ready mixed concrete is the most crucial phase, and it is not as simple as allowing the concrete to cure naturally.
Curing concrete is a lengthy and critical hydration process that prevents water evaporation and heat loss from your concrete slab throughout the drying (strengthening) phase.
When concrete curing is done correctly, your concrete slabs will be more durable, strong, and resistant to freezing or thawing and abrasion, preventing thermal cracks, the formation of plastic shrinkage cracks, and a concerning amount of strength loss in the top layer.
Depending on the site and construction type, you can cure concrete in various ways. The various ways of curing concrete include:
- Water Curing
- Hot mixing
- Electrical curing
- Infrared Curing
- Covering concrete with sand, sawdust, or soil.
- Natural Curing (Exposed Concrete)
- Wet covering
- Membrane curing
- Sheet curing
The type of concrete and the size of your construction will determine the type of curing that you go for. To tell the right way to do the curing, consult a professional.
Understanding ready mix concrete drying times
The various stages that concrete goes through when drying are as follows:
Initial setting: In 24 to 48 hours, the concrete will solidify sufficiently to walk on. The process isn’t finished yet, even though you can walk across the pavement without leaving any imprints so you should be ultra-cautious with the concrete.
Drying: Most concretes will have dried to around 80% of their design strength within seven days. For concrete made using blended cement, this is not the case.
Curing: Curing is the lengthy process that concrete must go through to achieve its full potential. Most concretes are deemed “finished” after 28 days, having cured sufficiently to surpass their design strength.
Factors affecting concrete curing time
Because different variables might affect concrete drying times, and it’s crucial to consider them while working with the material. Due to this you should remember that the above concrete drying times are only recommendations.
The following variables may affect how long it takes for concrete to dry:
Moisture: Water is essential when working on concrete projects since it maintains the proper moisture levels. Nonetheless, adding too much water can hurt the concrete’s dry time and slump, which refers to the mix’s consistency and workability.
If your mixture is excessively wet, it will take longer to completely dry. However, add extra water to the concrete mix on a hot and dry day to avoid a weak and easily eroded surface. Knowing the optimum water-to-concrete ratio to use is vital to create a uniform and durable concrete surface.
Temperature: Temperature variations can impact how concrete dries and cures; if it gets extremely cold, the hydration process slows down and takes a long time. If it gets too hot, the concrete dries too quickly, and the moisture dissipates, preventing it from reaching its full strength and making it brittle.
Concrete Type: The curing times of various concrete types also differ. There are conventional standard concrete formulations that take longer to dry, and certain concrete mixtures set fast.
Although they can speed up the process, fast-curing concretes, and additives may compromise their long-term strength.
You should examine the concrete delivery container label to determine how long it will take to dry. This holds for unique varieties of concrete, including ready-mix, stamped, high-density, reinforced, and ornamental concrete.
Environmental factors can significantly affect drying because the process depends on the constant evaporation of water from concrete. High winds and hot, dry weather will cause water to evaporate too quickly. Excessive humidity will prevent water from evaporating efficiently.
What happens if you don’t wait for the concrete to dry?
Concrete loses structural integrity, durability, and aesthetic appeal if you do not allow it to dry. Concrete can break and lose strength if people walk or drive on it too soon. Additionally, it may leave an imprint that changes the concrete’s appearance.
Although they can promote quicker curing, fast-curing concretes and additives may affect long-term strength. Whether your concrete is ready mix, stamped, high-density, reinforced, or decorative, read the label to determine how long it will take to dry.
Parting shot
These are some of the things you need to know about ready-mixed concrete and its drying and curing. If you want to have an easy time and work when the weather is right. You also should work with a reputable ready-mix concrete delivery Bethesda company. The right company will not only deliver the concrete but also help you make the right concrete decision.