Is this the first time you are ordering ready-mix concrete? There are plenty of things you should know for the process to be flawless. These things include:
Be as detailed as possible
During the ordering stage, you should send as much information as possible to the ready-mix concrete manufacturer. In order to ascertain whether the locally held materials will be suitable and whether alternative materials need to be sourced, the ready-mix concrete suppliers must have seen the contract specifications, which should contain specific information about constituent material restrictions, minimum cement contents, and maximum water-cement ratios.
You should note that ordering the wrong concrete could result from your failure to provide the full details, so ensure that you send as much information as possible.
It is crucial to specify the amount of concrete that you need. If possible, give details about the “placement rates”, which will be helpful with planning and will enable the supplier to schedule the usage of extra vehicles, late work, etc.
Refer to the quotation when ordering.
When placing an order, always refer to the quotation and concrete reference number/letter rather than the concrete mix description or a portion of it. This is because it is possible that several concretes will have the same compressive strength class, but they may differ in terms of the minimum cement content and maximum water-cement ratio.
The required consistency and workability will be the basis for your order and the following delivery of ready-mix concrete, but if necessary, this may be changed at an additional expense.
In this regard, increasing the concrete’s initial consistency or workability may result in higher expenses since more cementitious material will be needed to maintain the necessary levels of strength and maximum water-cement ratio.
Instead of adding water on the spot, which is a terrible way of going about it and may degrade the quality of the finished product, order the proper consistency for the task at hand.
Get advice if you are working by yourself.
If you are a DIY enthusiast and you are doing concrete work for the first time, consult the ready-mix concrete companies, and they will recommend the ideal concrete for your application. They will also help you determine the necessary volumes or quantities of concrete that you need for your project.
While you are at it, also inquire about the use of “self-compacting concrete”, as this could be the best choice in terms of placement convenience, saving you money in terms of both time and effort.
Provide safe access and discharge areas.
You should ensure that the delivery vehicles delivering the concrete have safe access, taking into account the ground’s conditions, the delivery vehicle’s weight and size when filled with ready-mix concrete, and both.
You should be aware that the truck will stay a safe distance away from any place that is deemed risky, including excavations. Therefore, before placing an order, if your site is dangerous, take into account how the concrete will be transferred from the place of discharge to its final position.
Be strategic where you discharge your concrete.
The final resting location for the concrete should be as near to the ready-mix concrete drop-off as feasible, and you should use vibration only to compact the material rather than move it.
In addition to this, it’s best to avoid moving ready-mix concrete too far from a heap because this could cause segregation and honeycombing.
When using a pump to apply ready-mix concrete, you should ensure that the pump provider is aware of the necessary pumping distances before they deliver the pump.
In addition to this, you should ensure that the concrete delivery company is also aware of the placing strategy that you are using.
You shouldn’t delay pumping, so it is best to talk to the ready-mix concrete provider and work out appropriate delivery rates before placing an order. This will ensure that everything runs smoothly.
You may incur extra charges and fines.
As you order your concrete mix, you should note that you can sometimes incur additional charges or even fines. For example, you can incur part load fees. In most cases, when you make an order, this cost is included in your quotation.
While this is the case, you should note that your order can be even costlier due to the application of additional “part load” charges if you are “under order” and need a second delivery to finish the job (which is often fairly minor in volume terms).
To avoid this, you should always ensure that you order the right amount of concrete for the project. If you aren’t sure of the right amount to go for, get the input of a professional.
Companies that sell ready-mix concrete typically provide a time slot for sufficient discharge at no cost. While this is the case, you should note that sometimes fees can apply after this time has passed.
To stay on the safe side, consult the ready-mix concrete provider for advice on the allowed time. To avoid incurring the charges, ensure that there are clear paths for the delivery lorries to reach the discharge areas. This calls for you to always prepare the site before placing your order.
You should note that there can be a fee if you over-ordered and would like to return any ready-mix concrete that hasn’t been removed from the delivery vehicle. The reason for this is that the company has already used its materials. As you can tell, this will happen when you place an order that is larger than you need.
To be on the safe side, take your time when ordering and always ensure that you order the right amount. While you should avoid ordering too much than you need, you are better off ordering a little more than a little less as your project won’t stall.
Even if this is the case, be ultra-cautious and avoid ordering too much than you need, as it means that you will incur a charge that is too big than it needs to be.
Parting shot
These are some of the things you should know when ordering your concrete mix delivery Gaithersburg for the first time. For the best outcome, ensure that you order your concrete from a reputable contractor who will not only simply deliver the concrete but also guide you on the right amounts to order based on the needs of your site.